Afro samurai resurrection soundtrack zip
Afro samurai resurrection soundtrack zip

  1. Afro samurai resurrection soundtrack zip movie#
  2. Afro samurai resurrection soundtrack zip series#

It has the same awesome fight scenes, beautiful animation, and pulse pounding hip hop soundtrack. If you liked the first Afro Samurai, you will like this one. The fights look spectacular and are just fun as HELL to watch! It is easily the highlight of the entire anime. Personally, I rather like the Wu-Tang Clan. If you aren't a fan of the will obviously hate this soundtrack. If you love those guys, you will love this soundtrack. The soundtrack is once again performed by RZA and the Wu-Tang Clan.

Afro samurai resurrection soundtrack zip movie#

The movie ends with a bullshit cliffhanger and a teaser for a sequel that now probably will never be made. Afro never really learns anything or pays for his sins committed in pursuit of revenge, so the theme is rather undermined. Afro then must put his own father back to rest, and continue his journey of wandering. Since his father was the only person Afro ever cared about, they figure that the only way to really hurt Afro emotionally is to bring him back and kill him again! Seriously! That's the fucking plot in this movie! The antagonists hilariously succeed, only to get killed by an insane cyborg version of Afro's father. Since Samuel L Jackson was the executive producer of this anime and close friends with Tarantino, I wonder if he wanted to make this as a sort of spiritual heir to Kill Bill 3? The people who want revenge on Afro decide to create an absolutely ridiculous plan to resurrect Afro's father, just to torture him and piss off Afro.

afro samurai resurrection soundtrack zip

That was also going to be the main plot and theme of Kill Bill 3, but unfortunately that movie will never be made now. The primary message of the movie is that revenge only begets more revenge. Afro is doggedly pursued by several characters who all want revenge on him for killing their friends and family members in pursuit of his own vengeance. This quote isn't actually used in this movie, but since Samuel L Jackson is the main character, I feel randomly quoting scripture is appropriate here. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36. However, the #1 headband in addition to granting godlike power and immortality also consumes the sanity and soul of the wearer. The story begins where the last movie left off. Afro Samurai is NOT an anime that you are supposed to take seriously! It is basically like Kill Bill the anime.or more accurately Kill Bill the 100% anime since Kill Bill Volume 1 was partly done in anime format. However, this is the kind of anime where they probably intentionally used a cliche title to pay homage to early, terrible anime like the infamous "Ninja Resurrection". Honestly that would have been a better title than the insanely overused title "Resurrection". "Afro Samurai 2: the Absurdity Continues". The animation and music however are still pretty good and while it's still watchable one can't help but feel sad for the way this turned out and hope that the third installment rectifies this anime's mistake. Overall Afro Samurai: Resurrection really wasn't the sequel that people wanted, the story is unoriginal and the main female antagonist feels far too simple along with all other new characters. I'm happy to report that the animation and art style is still sick and beautiful and while the music hasn't got the flair of the original it's still pretty nice. The best thing about Afro Samurai was its originality and I know it's hard to follow up good material with sequels, but it seems like Resurrection really lost its 'cool' factor here, the story is basic at best and the new characters involved are just ridiculous and for some reason you want to kill Ninja Ninja in this anime. And that my friends are basic elements of this story for this film and to be honest it sucks. It seems that after being on this road for so long, Afro seems to be losing his way and it is at this point when Afro is attacked by his old friend/nemesis Jinno and a mysterious female warrior named Sio, who wishes to have the head of the famous number one warrior because of the death of the people he has killed.

Afro samurai resurrection soundtrack zip series#

However little did I know that this sequel would end upĪfro Samurai: Resurrection takes place after the events of the original series with Afro finding peace in the mountains after killing countless people because of his number 1 headband.

afro samurai resurrection soundtrack zip

Jackson, so when I found out that there was going to be a sequel to the series I was over the moon. But I really liked Afro Samurai, I thought it was sick and it only increased my respect for Samuel L. I mean here you have a black samurai, in an anime, with hip-hop music, unless we're talking Samurai Champloo this shouldn't work. When i first saw Afro Samurai back in 2008 I was amazed, to be honest I didn't think a concept like this would work out in the way it did.

Afro samurai resurrection soundtrack zip